Week 1 - Stan Zarinsky
Week 2 - Doris Glass
Week 3 - Dianne Bergman
Week 4 - Sandy Stephens
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info on who the person
Bio:  This man is better known today by his nickname than he is by his legal name. He was proud of his nickname, even though most of us would not like to be known for the activities that inspired it.

Born in the 19th century, for many years he was as well known for his knife work and the results of that work as he was for what eventually made him famous. He was “discovered” in Angola where, like others, he did not go voluntarily, but still while he was there he managed to collect material for his work. He was eventually allowed to leave Angola thanks in part to intervention by a representative of the Smithsonian.

He was accomplished with 12 while most only managed with 6. He was famous for his association with Stella and Irene. When he and Stella got together with Irene it was a good night for sure!

His heritage and early life made him very familiar with the problems of traditional Southern agriculture, which also provided material for his work. And although he was known for his comments about weevils, later his influence extended to other groups such as beatles.

Although not as big a hit with “the people” in Harlem as some others were, the “folk” loved him. And his commentaries about race, love, the great depression, and drug and alcohol use are still popular today. He died of a rare disease in the first half of the 20th century. It took many years and twists and turns of fate, but he eventually wound up in a Hall of Fame. 

Can you name this man?

Rules:    One name can be proposed per login. Type name, apt. number, phone number, status (relationship to FP) and your answer. Additional entries can be submitted by additional logins.  Correct entries will be entered in the prize drawing. Full Rules
Week 4 -      See The Week 4 Answer